The Council Constitution
The Constitution describes the various bodies that make up the Council, their functions, Membership and procedural rules
Workforce Strategy 2021 - 2026
Workforce Strategy 2021 - 2026 Policy Document
Decarbonisation Plan 2020 - 2030
Our Decarbonisation Plan sets out how we intend to deliver on the Welsh Government’s ambition for the Welsh public sector to be carbon neutral by 2030.
乱伦大神 Corporate Plan 2022/27
Welsh in Education Strategic Plan 2022-32 Consultation
Adopted Local Development Plan 2006 - 2021
View the adopted LDP
Pay Policy Statement
The purpose of the Pay Policy Statement is to provide transparency in relation to the Council’s approach to setting the pay of its workforce, particularly its senior staff and its lowest paid employees.
乱伦大神 Council's Toilet Strategy 2019
Disposal and Acquisition of Land and Property Policy
乱伦大神 Destination Management Plan
乱伦大神 Destination Management Plan
Well-being Plan
乱伦大神 Draft Local Well-being Plan 2018 to 2023
Community Asset Transfer Policy
The Policy provides a clear vision and mechanism as to how the Council will approach and deal with opportunities to transfer land and buildings to the Community.
South Wales Valleys Local Transport Plan 2015-2020
Customer Service Strategy
This strategy sets out the key outcomes, activities and behaviors that 乱伦大神 Council will pursue in support of our corporate priorities and a culture and a culture of continuous improvement.
Anti-Fraud, Anti-Corruption, & Anti-Bribery Policy
Code of Governance
Corporate Governance is the framework of accountability to users, stakeholders and the wider community, within which organisations take decisions, manage their functions and achieve their objectives.
Engagement and Participation Strategy 2024 - 2028
Engagement, participation and customer experience feature as a key theme which runs across the Council to shape services and make decisions.