Sustainable Communities for Learning
Find our about our long-term strategic programme to improve educational standard and facilities
Sustainable Communities for Learning Consultation
Duties of the Council to consider community and equality impact of the Sustainable Communities for Learning Programme
Additional Learning Needs (ALN)
Services and resources available to help children with additional learning needs
School admissions
Apply for admission to nursery, reception and secondary schools, transfers and appeals
Free School Meals
Find out if your child can get free school meals, how to apply and make a general enquiry.
School Uniform Grant
Find out if you can get a school uniform grant for your child, how to apply and make a general enquiry
Education Transformation (Projects and Grants)
Learn more about Education Transformation including projects and grants.
School complaints
Make a complaint, compliment or comment about a school within 乱伦大神
School contact details
Find contact details for all schools in 乱伦大神 within our schools directory
School governors
Understand the role of school governors and how you can get involved
School Menu
Find out what children in 乱伦大神 are eating in school.
School transport
Find information on travel assistance, free transport, safe walking routes and moving home
Term dates
Up to date school term dates and holidays for schools in 乱伦大神
Welsh in Education Strategic Plan for 乱伦大神 2017-2020
Youth Services
Access services and programmes for young people (11-25) in 乱伦大神.
Becoming Bilingual
Thinking about sending your child to a Welsh-medium school?
School Closures
In the event that a school is closed e.g. due to flooding/ adverse weather, the details and reason along with relevant contact information will be provided here.
Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics
Safeguarding in Education
Find out more about Safeguarding in Education.
Children Missing Education
Are you worried that a child may be missing from education?
School Attendance
Find out more on school attendance and the Education Welfare Service
Elective Home Education
Guidance for home educating families
Child employment and child performances
Guidance and application forms for child employment, child performances and chaperones
Sustainable Communities for Learning – Community Focused Schools
The next stage following on from Band B of the SCfL programme
Sustainable Communities for Learning – Rolling Programme
The next stage following on from Band B of the SCfL programme
Educational Psychology
Educational psychology is about understanding how children and young people learn, grow, and feel in schools.