Check your Refuse and Recycling Collection Days.
Request Recycling Equipment & Refuse Bins
You can have replacement or additional recycling equipment delivered to your property.
Report a missed collection using our online service. This form will not work with Internet Explorer. Please use a browser such as Chrome, Edge or Safari.
Waste Education - reduce, reuse, and recycle
Dive deeper into understanding recyclable and non-recyclable items.
Visit a Recycling Centre
Book to visit New Vale or Roseheyworth Recycling Centre
Absorbent Hygiene Products Collections
Sign up • Check Collection Day • Order Hygiene/Nappy Sacks • Cancel Collection
Food Waste Bags
Collection Points
Bulky Waste Collection Service
Book a large item for collection
Assisted Collections
Residents who are temporarily or permanently unable to access kerbside collection services can apply for an assisted collection.
Seasonal Collections
Green Waste Collections